We awoke to a beautiful morning in the Davis Strait. Sunshine and calm seas made for a great wildlife viewing platform. Icebergs dotted the horizon and northern fulmars flew near National Geographic Resolution for the majority of the morning. We spotted harp seals in the early morning as the ship made its way toward Canadian waters. Crossing from the western coast of Greenland and headed toward Nunavut, Canada, we were in true expedition mode. With our trained and highly experienced naturalist staff on the bridge, we were ever present looking for wildlife as we began the crossing and encountered our first patch of sea ice.

Davis Strait lies between midwestern Greenland and Baffin Island in Nunavut, Canada. The strait was named for the English explorer John Davis, who explored the area while seeking a Northwest Passage. The strait is famous for its extreme tides that range from 30 to 60 ft (9.1 to 18.3 m), which discouraged many early explorers. We spent the better part of the afternoon searching for life among the sea ice. We encountered dovekies and Sabine’s gulls, ever scanning for potential mammals in the vicinity. Amenities on board National Geographic Resolution were incredible for our day at sea. Whether enjoying a massage in the sanctuary or attending a presentation, it was a relaxing, rejuvenating, and educational day for all on board.