On our last day aboard the Jahan, we spent the morning exploring the town of Angkor Ban. This small town is significant because it is one of the few towns spared the ravages of the Khmer Rouge. The homes are still the original buildings, some dating back to the 1800s. Modern conveniences like electricity have arrived, but life goes on in much the same way it has for centuries. It was such a joy to walk among the local people, who welcomed us to the community. We happened upon a wedding, and our guests were invited to be photographed with the bride and groom.
The Jahan
The Mekong River
We enjoyed our day on board Jahan on our way to Vietnam. We had one last chance to see the brown waters of the Tonlé Sap meet the blue waters of the Mekong in Phnom Pen, before hitting the road. Linguist and historian Jean-Michel Philippi came on board to explain modern Cambodian history to us, and it was fascinating! After the many questions and theories to take in, the rest of the day was lighter. We were treated to a tour of Jahan and also a fantastic cooking class. The most noticeable difference on this part of our river trip was the change from a countryside landscape punctuated by children greeting us, to a river filled with trading boats and other industries, on which people live. As we descended towards the Mekong Delta, we began to appreciate the importance of this river to the Vietnamese population on a daily basis.