Today we awoke in front of Drake Bay, located in the Corcovado National Park buffer zone. This is one of the most isolated areas of Costa Rica, and one of the most protected forests in the country. Early in the morning, we began to explore this place by Zodiac. We made our way to the Agujitas River, a scenic river site flanked by very tall trees and an exuberant understory. Our guests were able to see so many interesting species in this little river — including yellow-crowned night herons, Amazon kingfishers, and green iguanas — and it is a great example of what this beautiful area has to offer.

Later in the afternoon and after repositioning the ship, we offered various hikes and walks from Caletas Beach. Some guests went into the forest looking for monkeys, while others decided to do a power walk back to the Agujitas River bordering the coast. Along the way, we stopped several times to enjoy the beautiful small beaches that we encountered. At the end, we took the opportunity for a well-deserved and refreshing swim at the river at the exact time when the tide was getting up; this creates a pleasant and gentle current that allows us to flow upstream. We ended our last day of the trip enjoying the sunset over Cano Island, an archeological site that happens to be the oldest rock formation in this area.