Doug Gualtieri
Doug Gualtieri has worked as a Naturalist interpretive guide for over 20 years, beginning his career in Denali National Park and Preserve at a remote wilderness lodge leading hikes and giving lectures on the ecology and wildlife of that region. Later he began leading Lindblad Expeditions land extensions to Denali in 2002 and has worked with Lindblad in some form or another ever since. With a background in Biology and a lifelong passion for the natural world Doug moved to Talkeetna, Alaska in 1999 from his home state of Michigan, and never looked back.
Having studied many facets of the natural world, from general ecology to animal behavior, Doug found a strong connection to the life of birds; primarily because birds tie together so many components of our world, making them perfect teaching tools. But, also because almost all of them fly, and that’s pretty cool.
Doug and his wife make their home today in the quaint, and at times, bustling Alaskan community of Talkeetna. Living in their cabin home in the boreal forest complete with a pristine salmon stream, Doug and his wife spend their time with their dogs on hikes, skis, or bikes enjoying the beauty of Alaska and the thriving community they live in.
My upcoming expeditions
Islands of the Azores: Basalt Peaks to Volcanic Vineyards
Iceland & Greenland: Edge of the Arctic
Northwest Passage: Greenland to Alaska