Ciaran Cronin
Since developing an interest in wildlife as a young teenager Ciarán has devoted most of his waking hours (and many of his sleeping ones too!) to the study of nature and has found many devious ways of marrying his love for wildlife with other aspects of his life. With postgraduate qualifications as an ecologist, he currently runs an ecological consultancy in Ireland, advising on incorporating wildlife protection into developments such as windfarms and national infrastructure projects. An ornithological and marine mammal specialist, he has a wide range of field skills and comprehensive knowledge of a wide range of other wildlife. He has worked with both British and Irish government departments surveying seabirds and mammals, and trains new surveyors in survey techniques and identification. Ciaran is also a certified Conservation Detection Dog Handler, and between his 3 crazy dogs and two crazy children he lives a life which wobbles erratically and unpredictably between chaos and joy. Fortunate to have been able to immerse himself in the field, Ciaran loves to share knowledge and enjoys engaging with people of all interest levels, on all things wild.
Ciaran has wide ranging experience at sea and ashore throughout the British Isles and Ireland, Arctic, and Antarctic with travel experience in Europe, North Africa, and Central America. As a formerly qualified ships officer he has travelled extensively at sea, although this was really just an excuse to get paid to see more birds and whales.
He currently lives in a renovated cottage on a headland in the south of Ireland, from which he continually fails to do any work because of the fin and humpback whales which keep appearing outside his office window.